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It can be so disheartening when you start to notice your Pinterest stats dropping. You might see a substantial but slow decrease or just a rapid drop altogether. Either way, it can be upsetting to see that dreadful drop in your stats after all that time and energy spent and growth gained. Here are several reasons why your Pinterest stats might drop and what you can do to fix the problem!

Why would my Pinterest stats suddenly drop?
I love Pinterest, but there has been a problem with spam on the platform in the past. Because of this, Pinterest’s spam filters are on high alert, and good accounts sometimes get caught up in the mix. If your domain is flagged or your account was deactivated for suspected spam, it can take a bit of time for your stats to recover.
Whether you are rebounding after a mistaken suspension or flag or something else is happening, these tips will help you get your account and growth back on track.
The first question to ask
Is your content seasonal? For example, if you primarily sell things or create content related to weddings, you might have noticed a dip in your traffic and analytics while weddings were postponed during COVID-19. That’s to be expected unless you switched your strategy and started using content and keywords that were trending even more – such as elopements, intimate weddings, or small weddings.
Is most of your top content related to a holiday or specific time of year? Are you noticing a drop during certain seasons? Most people will notice a shift in stats during certain seasons. This is normal. One way to help combat this is to figure out a way to reach your ideal client during those off seasons that your content isn’t currently reaching.
Dive into your analytics
Don’t just rely on your Pinterest analytics, either. Dive deep into your Google Analytics and where all of your Pinterest traffic was landing before the drop in traffic happened. If it was mostly going to the same landing page, it’s possible you had a pin go viral, and it slowly dropped off.

That’s why we focus on consistent growth vs. going viral. Going viral is great, but it can disappear just as quickly as it happened. Consistent growth over time is where the magic happens.
Change up your keywords
When your stats start to dip, it’s usually a good time to do additional keyword research for your account, boards, and pin descriptions. You’ll also want to take a look at the Pinterest Trends Tool to see how those keywords are currently trending.
Another great keyword tool to use is PinInspector. I use this all the time for my client’s accounts. It gives you a ton of detailed information you can use to drive your keyword strategy.

Stay consistent and have patience
I talk about this all of the time – Pinterest is a visual search engine. This means that consistency and a long-term strategy are essential for success. If all else fails, keep at it. Keep creating new content, new pin designs, testing, and doing additional keyword research.
There are always seasonal ebbs and flows with Pinterest. Most businesses always see a dip during certain months, but it shouldn’t be anything huge. Don’t worry about an occasional dip or drop in stats or monthly views.Things can change quickly on Pinterest, so just hold tight.
That’s why I create monthly analytics reports for my Pinterest clients. Worrying about your analytics and stats in any smaller window can just drive you crazy, especially on Pinterest. If you continue to see a huge or fairly consistent drop for several months in a row, it might be time to re-strategize.