How to Optimize Your Pinterest Profile
When it comes to Pinterest marketing and using Pinterest for your business, optimizing your Pinterest profile is one of the first steps. Your profile needs to be optimized using the right keywords so that Pinterest can start to understand what your account is about and the type of content you share. This helps Pinterest know who to show your content to. What does optimization mean? It simply means “to make the most use of”. Here’s how to optimize your Pinterest profile to make the most use of Pinterest and help your account get found easier.

Pinterest keywords & keyword research
Before you can start optimizing your Pinterest profile, you first need to do keyword research. The easiest method for finding keywords specific to your Pinterest account is doing the alphabet search method.
Open up Pinterest and start typing a keyword into the search bar to see what drops down. These are the top trending keywords that include that keyword. Next, add a space after the word and the letter ‘a’ to see what drops down.
Make a note of any relevant keywords in that drop down, remove the ‘a’ and add a ‘b.’ Keep going until you’ve gone through the alphabet, and by the end, you should have a nice list of keywords and keyword phrases to use.
When doing keyword research, think about your audience. What keywords would they use to find you and your content? For more information on keyword research, check out my post, How to Do Keyword Research for Pinterest.
Pinterest Profile Optimization
Now that you have done some keyword research and know what keywords you want to use to for your account, it’s time to optimize your profile.
Here are the most important areas to optimize:
1) Your Pinterest Profile Display Name
We have 65 characters to play with here, and we want to add one of your top keywords that describes what you do and what type of content you create. Here are a couple of examples:
- Kara | Home Decor Candles and Gifts – okay
- Kara | Home Decor Inspiration & Gifts – better
- Hannah | Mindset Coach for Women – okay
- Hannah | Personal Development & Mindset Tips – better
2) About Your Profile Bio Section
This field allows 160 characters and should include the most relevant keywords, plus gives the reader (and Pinterest) an idea about what you do.
Here are a couple of examples for the above profile examples:
- Home decor ideas and inspiration for creating a home you love. Gift ideas and soy candles for every special event, party, or celebration.
- Helping women who are struggling with personal development, overcoming mindset obstacles, and wanting to live a happier life.
3) Your Board Titles
Your Pinterest board titles should be descriptive and include keywords. Think about what board titles and keywords fit your content and consider what other boards your audience would be interested in.
For example, a mom blogger who focuses on kid’s crafts might also have boards on parenting tips, motherhood quotes, etc. Those boards won’t fit their content but do fit with their target audience.
Don’t make your board title kitschy. That will not help Pinterest or your followers know what the board is about. Keep it simple and straightforward.
For example, use the board name Vegetarian Recipes instead of Veggie Yum.
4) Your Board Descriptions
Your board descriptions should not only include keywords but also offer value to your followers. Your board descriptions should be written in sentence form, not just a string of keywords, as Pinterest would consider that keyword stuffing.
You want to make sure that the boards you create have content worth following and are relevant to the topics they’re about, as well.
Need help setting up and optimizing your Pinterest profile and account? Schedule a call with me today!