You are ready to use Pinterest in your biz marketing strategy, but you want to make sure your site is set up and ready to go for all that amazing new traffic you will get!
Here’s how to make sure your website and your Pinterest account are working together to bring in your ideal client.
Your website needs to be rich in content.
Every pin is an opportunity to drive traffic to your website. Pinterest likes fresh content. Having lots of content on your site, gives you more options to pin to. Be sure that you also have a plan in place to continue to create new content for your site.
Have a clear funnel set up.
Make it easy for the reader to know what action to take to get more from you when they click through to your website from your pin. To do this, add your lead magnet or call to action on every post. Check out my post, “How to Use Pinterest to Grow Your Email List” for more on this.
Make your call to action clear for your site visitors.
What is it that you want them to do when they come to your site? Tell them. Don’t assume they know.
Tech Tips:
Claim your website on Pinterest.
This is a crucial step to using Pinterest for business. This allows all your pins to be counted on your analytics so that you can see where your traffic is coming from.
Install Rich Pins.
Rich pins are like normal, except that when information is changed on your website, the pin automatically updates. There are 3 different types of rich pins – recipe, product, and article.
Install a save to Pinterest button on your website.
This will allow people to save your post for later and share with others. It’s a good idea to do this as soon as possible. There are several ways to do this, but the plug-in I like the most is Tasty Pins.
Do you have the number of email subscribers that you want? If you are like most small businesses, the answer is no. Email marketing is a powerful way to grow your customer base and revenue because it provides constant exposure to your business. In today’s post, I am going to show you how to grow your email list using Pinterest.
Promote your opt-ins
If you have a standalone landing page for your opt-in freebie or lead magnet (free or paid), make sure to create several pin designs on a consistent basis to share on Pinterest. Don’t forget that you can use different pin formats to promote your lead magnets – static pins, video pins, and idea pins.
Use opt-in popups
As your Pinterest account grows, you’ll be getting more eyes on your website and landing pages. The easiest way to make the most out of this new traffic and get people on your email list is by adding a popup on your website for your email list.
We want to make it as easy as possible for your website visitors to sign up for your email list and become an email subscriber! If you hate popups, you can create a less intrusive one,, like an exit popup that only comes up when someone is about to close out the tab and leave your website.
Add email opt-in forms within your blog posts
If you are using blogging as a part of your content marketing strategy (which I recommend) and sharing pins on Pinterest that lead to your blog posts, it’s time to incorporate your email marketing into those posts a bit more. Make sure you have added a relevant email opt-in form within your blog posts to promote your lead magnets and encourage email subscribers. Below is an example of an opt-in that can be added to blog posts. This is an actual opt-in of mine.
Pinterest is a great tool for growing your email list and getting more people into your sales funnel. There are so many ways to implement minor tweaks to your website to incorporate email marketing a little more.
Are you using your Pinterest traffic to grow your email list? Hopefully, this post has given you a few extra email marketing tips.